Dial Books for Young Readers Category
I have never seen visions in the fire, though the writing craft is sometimes like that. I have never been accused of witchcraft, though I might have been if I’d been unlucky enough to be born in medieval times when anyone deemed “different” was suspect. I’ve never been forced to dress as a leper… Read more
Hooray for PNBA
Dear Dreamwalkers My wonderful publisher Dial Books for Young Readers, set up a Dragonswood book signing for me at the PNBA Fall Tradeshow. My friend, Heidi Pettit, caught a few fun shots of the day. The tradeshow was held in the elegant Hotel Murano. Check out the beautiful sea green glass in the entry. We headed upstairs for the tradeshow and… Read more
DRAGONSWOOD BLOG TOUR WEEK 1 Dragons are flying this week. Here are the stops they are making. Monday,December 26: Melina at Reading Vacation. (Author Interview with book line answers) Tuesday, December 27: Christie at The Fiction Enthusiast (Review) Wednesday, December 28: Stacy M at Urban Fantasy Investigations (Cover Post) Thursday, December 29: Jenny at Supernatural… Read more
DRAGONSWOOD Book Trailer DRAGONSWOOD book two of the Wilde Island chronicles by Janet Lee Carey. http://www.JanetLeeCarey.com Script & Vocals – Janet Lee CareySaz Instrumental – Thomas CareySound Recording – Aaron Carey In a dark time when girls with powers are called witches, Tess escapes the vengeful Witch Hunter and hides in the forest with a… Read more
I just flew home from ALA Chicago A most magnificent experience meeting nation wide librarians (according to ALA roughly 25,000 library leaders and supporters)touring publishing houses with their newest offerings (like wending through a gold mine), meeting the indomitable Egmont USA team: Douglas Pocock, Elizabeth Law, Regina Griffin, Mary Albi, and Ellen Greene. Chatting and… Read more