
Welcome to Library Lions.We interviewed Madeleine Smallwood, a sophomore at Mercer Island High School, for this Special Edition.

Welcome Madeleine. What’s happening at Mercer Island Library?

The King County Library System is planning to make changes to the [Mercer Island] library, changes that upset many patrons.

What changes are planned for the teen area?

They want to move the small meeting room away from the teen area. Teens use the small meeting room all the time for group projects and meetings, so it makes more sense to leave the small meeting room where it is for easy access for the teens.

Current location of small meeting room (on right), adjacent to teen area (on left).
In addition, the bookshelves are arranged parallel to the windows, allowing teens some privacy. The new setup would take away that privacy because the bookshelves would be placed at right angles to the windows, taking away the cozy feeling that the teens love.

View of current Teen Area from librarian’s desk
They are taking away the comfy couch that allows a place for teens to relax while reading or doing homework.

Also, they are replacing the tables in the teen area that are beside the windows, where groups working together have natural light, with a long shelf for computers. But this means that teens using computers would look at screens facing the windows, which makes it harder to see the screens against the light.

Work tables by windows with natural light in Teen Area.

So what are the plans for closing the library for all of this work?
At this point, KCLS estimates an 8 month closure. However, this seriously affects students, high school students in particular, who use the library every day. The library is within walking distance from Mercer Island High School, giving students a safe place to go and study after school or sports. Also the school library is only open for an hour after school and rarely provides the needed materials for schoolwork, since it is a small school library.

Mercer Island High School

Where can I get more information?

Visit our website: www.LibraryRemodel.com
Email us at libraryremodel@gmail.com

Mercer Island High School sophomore Madeleine Smallwood addresses the King County Library System Board of Trustees
Thank you, Madeleine for your commitment to Mercer Island Library. We’ll be mailing you a signed copy of Janet Lee Carey’s newest teen fantasy IN THE TIME OF DRAGON MOON, due out March 24th, to show our gratitude.
Note to Librarians: If you’re a Youth Librarian working in a school or public library we’d love to hear about you and your library. Contact Janet at jlcarey@hotmail.comfor an interview slot. The 2015 calendar currently has openings. Come share your library and library programs with us.

Note to Authors: If you’re interested in Roaring for Libraries on this blog, contact Janet at jlcarey@hotmail.comfor an interview slot.