Library Lions Roar February 2018
Texas School Librarians Rock!
Welcome to Library Lions Roar! Celebrating libraries and the outstanding librarians serving youth in schools and public libraries across the U.S. since 2010. Please Roar today’s guest, Robin Cox. Thank you for the invite to participate in Library Lions Roar! I’m stationed at Rayburn Intermediate School, Bryan ISD, in Bryan, Texas. This is my first… Read more
Teacher-Librarian Roars in the New Year!
Library Lions Roars for seven years of posts featuring outstanding youth librarians in schools and public libraries! Thanks to each and every one of you for your commitment to excellence in education and your stand for literacy. Let’s welcome this month’s guest kicking off the new year. Hi, I’m Judy Patneaude, teacher-librarian at Leota Middle… Read more
Molly Blaisdell Roars for Library Teen Programs!
Library Lions Roar Molly B Welcome to Library Lions Roar interviews. Molly Blaisdell is stopping by to share her library love. And give some lucky LLR follower a signed copy of our picture book The Twelve Days of Christmas Starring the Chickens! Find more Molly B Books And since she’s stopping by to talk about the… Read more
Equipping for Emergency
When disaster strikes, school librarians can play a key role in keeping kids safe. We’re so lucky to have Professor Christie Kaaland EdD on Library Lions Roar to talk about her comprehensive and much needed Emergency Preparedness Book ISBN: 987-1-61069-729-3 This is the only book written specifically to provide school librarians with emergency preparedness and recovery… Read more
Shelley Roars for School Libraries
Welcome to Library Lions Roar! Celebrating libraries and the outstanding librarians serving youth in schools and public libraries across the U.S. Please Roar today’s guest Shelley Cummings! Hello. I’m Shelley Cummings, and I work as a librarian at Artman Elementary School in Hermitage, Pennsylvania. Hermitage was voted the best and safest town to live in… Read more
Why Skype an Author?
Welcome to Library Lions Roar! We’re back in school, so let’s raise a Roar for school libraries! I usually host librarian posts here, but since you’re all wildly busy in September, I thought I’d pop in to post about another topic that’s close to my heart – Virtual Author Visits. That’s right, meeting authors via… Read more
Kathryn O. Galbraith Roars
Welcome to Library Lions Roar! Celebrating libraries and the outstanding librarians serving youth in schools and public libraries across the U.S. Author, Kathryn O. Galbraith, joins us this month to Roar for Libraries. Hello from the green, rainy, watery state of Washington. I write picture books, nonfiction, middle-grade novels, short chapter books and now my… Read more
Blog Tour: Two Truths And A Lie!
Library Lions gives a mighty Roar for the innovative new book for middle-grade readers, Two Truths and a Lie: It’s Alive! Walden Pond Press ISBN: 9780062418791. Read the interview and don’t forget to snatch this terrific Educator’s Guide for your classroom and library! Acclaimed authors Ammi-Joan Paquette and Laurie Ann Thompson have teamed up to create a… Read more
Rush Creek Library Roars!
Welcome to Library Lions Roar! Celebrating libraries and the outstanding librarians serving youth in schools and public libraries across the U.S. Please Roar today’s guest, Donna Ohlgren. Donna is the librarian at Rush Creek Elementary in Maple Grove, MN. Her school serves about 900 students from kindergarten through fifth grade. The Skinny The thing I… Read more
High School Librarians Roar!
Welcome to Library Lions Roar! We celebrate libraries and the outstanding librarians serving youth in schools and public libraries across the U.S. Please Roar today’s guest Librarian, Kathleen Dunbar Pictured here with Janet I am Kathleen Dunbar, the librarian at Eastlake High School in Sammamish, Washington. Our library is a link between school and home… Read more