The Big Move
Welcome to Library Lions interviews Raising a Roar for Libraries and for the outstanding Librarians serving Children and Young Adults in Schools and Public Libraries across the U.S.. Please Roar today’s guest Linda Baker.
Linda works at Jefferson Public Library – Jefferson Oregon.
The Skinny Tell our readers about the Big Move
The sky isn’t falling but the library (pictured above) in Jefferson Oregon just might! A recent engineering report found the 150 year old Conser House, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and home to the library, to be “….severely structurally deficient…”.
To fulfill with our mission of supplementing the library’s limited resources in order to ensure quality services for the community we have launched a $800,000 Capital Finance Campaign to build a new 4,000 square foot library and meeting room space. This is a huge commitment for our small rural community of 3,000 but we are dedicated and determined.
How Has the Community Pitched In?
I work with a group of enthusiastic volunteers who come from varied backgrounds. A retired elementary school librarian, real estate agent, artist, community volunteers and a retired state auditor. The other members and I are happily at work implementing the Capital Finance Campaign to build a new library. We have a great time meeting with community members of all ages, ethnic backgrounds and income levels. Moving day for the library will allow the Jefferson Historical Society to repair the building and then use that space for museum activities.
Valerie Hauser Library Director
Here are the plans for the new library. Happily, it will be just across the street from the present location so we will be able to easily visit and reminisce.
Linda and Mayor of Jefferson, Mike Myers, signing lease agreement for the library
Tell us Your Dream
Our dream is that the public library in a community such as Jefferson is not simply a building where books are housed. The library will be a place where diverse elements of the town come together and form the tapestry of community. Adults with limited reading and language skills will find assistance with the help of skilled librarians. Children of all ages will have age appropriate spaces and activities. The Jefferson Lions club has pledged to make funding the library of their major community projects. This added support from the community really makes us feel proud and very special!
Library Laughs
Spanish is the first language for many of our children. Sometimes the children whose first language is English want to learn new words in Spanish. One child who worked very hard at learning new Spanish words every day proudly told me one morning that he had learned how to say waffle in Spanish. Excited for him I asked him to tell me what his new word was – Eggo he proudly replied!
The Library Spanish Bilingual Collection
A Lion’s Pride of Programs
Here at Jefferson Library, we truly enjoy helping children and teens find just the “right book” for their reading level and interest! We’re also excited to watch that same child or teen help the “older generation” learn a new computer skill or advance to the next game level.
Many of the people who have used the library computers to successfully find employment end up moving into new jobs. We are particularly thankful to have a Librarian who is excited about collaborating with all the volunteers, providing guidance and encouragement as we work toward our goal.
We also partner with a program called Reading For All and collected 1,000 books to give as gifts to children who are low income and some have never had a new book of their own. It was hard to tell who was more excited, us as the givers or them as the receivers. The bonus is the positive impact this project will have on their lives in the future.
Author! Author!
We have asked many authors to sign books and send them to us to help raise funds for our new library. The authors have been very generous! We have received signed copies from all over the USA, England, New Zealand and even from the tiny county of Principat D’Andorra – do you know where that is – I sure didn’t and had to Google it for the location.
We will have over 500 books to sell when we attend Wordstock, a book fair, in Portland Oregon in October. As a special treat, the authors JA Jance and Steve Berry will be coming to Salem Oregon to meet with the public and participate in a book signing!
A Call for Books
If you’re an author who would like to Roar your support, we would be thrilled to have a signed copy of your book to help our Big Move!
You can snail mail your copy to
Friends of the Jefferson Library
PO Box 656
Jefferson OR 97352
If you have any questions, email Linda – –
THANKS for your support!
And now a Roar for Everyone helping us in the library and supporting us through the Big Move!A few more pics
Jackie Schmacher, Library Assistant
Glenda Adcock. Linn Benton Community College Work Study Student
Thanks again for the interview, Linda, and best of luck with the big move!
Linking Up
~Jefferson Public Library: For All:
~Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (which includes all libraries in
Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties, and which shares materials between the member libraries.
Love Libraries? Give a Roar in “Comments” below.
Note to Librarians: If you’re a Youth Librarian working in a school or public library we’d love to hear about you and your library. Email Janet on the Contact page on this website for an interview.