July 5th. After the fireworks, what? Back to the writing desk. My character, Kipp, is in the desert now. I’m in a dry writing spell and feeling a little lost. Maybe we are both lost and trying to survive.
The desert is harsh and spare. I’m reminded of Bear in the show “Man Vs. Wild” wrapping his tee shirt around his head for a turban to protect him from the sun — of him searching for water. The earth looks flat, tight and hollow as a drum. How does Kipp get out? How do I get out of the dry writing spell? He walks. I walk too — walk away from the desk and lose myself in the garden for a while. It’s not think time but do time. I keep my body busy so my subconscious can work without my prattling conscious mind getting in the way.
The writer in me can’t leave Kipp alone and hungry for long.
Until next time,
dream well.