Janet Lee Carey-Dreamwalks DreamWalks Janet Lee Carey Award-winning author of novels for children and young adults

It’s Time to Party!!

Busy days just now revising THE ANCIENTS Book Two of the Noor Chronicles for Atheneum Books and DRAGON’S KEEP for Harcourt, but it’s also getting close to the book launch party for my first fantasy novel THE BEAST OF NOOR! I’m planning a great party July 8th, 7pm at Parkplace Books in Kirkland WA. All you faithful blog readers within the Seattle area are welcome to attend. If you’d like a formal evite, just send your email address to jlcarey@hotmail.com. I’ll send the evite your way.

Open as you have before
Let the traveler through the door
From this opening begin
The only way out
Is in

(opening spell from the Falconer’s book. THE BEAST OF NOOR)

2 comments on “

  1. Congratulations! What an exciting time for you! Thanks for the invitation. Sure wish I lived in the area! Soak it all and blog about it!

    ty in Missouri

  2. How wonderful to invite everyone to your party. For those of you who haven’t sampled Janet’s writings, she’s awesome. I highly recommend her books. Begin with Wenny Has Wings.


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