Janet Lee Carey-Dreamwalks DreamWalks Janet Lee Carey Award-winning author of novels for children and young adults

Writing Blues

I wish I had more time to write! It’s always a challenge to keep a novel bubbling away in my head while running around doing shopping, bill paying, doctor appointments, polishing workshops for conferences, flying across the country to accept an award — yadda yadda yadda (more on the award later). While awaiting the launch of my YA fantasy, THE BEAST OF NOOR, I’ve been working on the second book in the NOOR series. My editor at Atheneum Books recently sent me a LONG editorial letter for THE ANCIENTS and I’ve been trying to get back to the book.

Part of the waiting time isn’t just the hurry and scurry of everyday life, but my own needed process time. I’ve been writing scores of journal pages trying to figure out how to best attack this revision. Now I have a binder full of notes and I’ve called my editor, but wait! I still need to think some more!

I know I have to let go of many well-polished chapters to get to the core of the story and shorten the 488 page adventure down to a slimmer, trimmer tale. That’s never easy. So I need to redream the dream.

Yesterday I took the plunge and rewrote an entirely new chapter one to THE ANCIENTS. The opening now begins with the dragons. My editor asked for this, and now that it’s written, I love it. I took it to my critique group who loved it and tore it apart (thanks ladies) so I’m revising yet again. All will be well.

Every book makes me feel like a beginner again. I’ve learned to enjoy being a beginner. Beginners get to play. They get to make mistakes. They get to learn.

To all you struggling writers out there. Keep well and keep writing.

One comment on “

  1. You give heart (or fear) to all us beginners. Such a process. Who would ever “decide” to become a writer?

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