#NaNoWriMo Fiction Magic Drawing Card # 2!
Welcome to NaNoWriMo Fiction Magic month here on Dreamwalks! Are you experiencing idea flow or wordcount woe? Wherever you are with our WIP, I bet you can use some magic this month. And so, Voila!!
Meet Fiction Magic: Card Tricks & Tips For Writers
Here’s the next NaNoNuj card. Deb will show us how to work the magic to get the nudges we need to keep writing. And some lucky writer will win the entire 54 card deck.
Janet: You might know Deb as an author, but she also a creativity coach and she has scads of experience as a teacher. Her master’s project (25+years ago) was on teaching writing, and she’s been doing that ever since. So, hey Deb.What card are we starting with?
Deb: I could have chosen my favorites, but there’s something about picking out a random card that appeals to me. So, here goes…
Janet: Wow! A dangerous card indeed and very provocative!
Here’s what the Fiction Magic Guidebook says about this card:
Your characters want something so badly they can taste it. It’s all they’ve ever wanted—a universal longing so deep in them it drives every move they make. Go ahead, give them tastes, hints that things will finally be okay, and then pull it away. Let those dreams turn to smoke with a swirl of your wand. Remove all hope. The goals, the moments they’ve dreamed of, the objects, the love, even the prizes at the ends of their quests—eliminate them. Even to the point of giving up.
Persistence eventually pays off for both you and your characters. Never lose sight of your dreams. Deep moving forward, one step after the other.
* * *
Deb: Want to go a little deeper? Let’s look at your character first. What do they want? How can you strengthen that? Have you thrown in obstacles, but haven’t quite gone far enough in taking it all away? Let us see that character quit, walk away, decide it can’t be done. Let us feel it. Can you recall a time you’ve wanted something, put all your time and effort into it, and then had it come to nothing?
Those of you doing NaNoWriMo this month know what it feels like to want something badly. You want to know you can complete a draft of a novel. I get that. I worked on a novel for many years and thanks to one November, completed a draft of another one in a month. It teaches you many things. For one thing, your voice comes out with fast writing. Yes, a lot of other stuff gets in there, too, but that can be taken out later. Keep wanting, keep visualizing, keep taking those steps, no matter how small.
Janet: So NaNos — and anyone else wrestling with your WIP whether you’re NaNoing or not — We hope you enjoyed today’s NaNoNuj.
If this Fiction Magic card inspires you in any way, please share your story in a comment below. And you’re welcome to get and share more ideas on Deb’s Fiction Magic Facebook Page We’d love to see you there!
“These cards are a creative way for Deb Lund to extend her gentle genius for helping fellow writers develop our own magic with fiction. I can hardly wait to get my hands on them, as both a writing teacher and a writer myself.” Christina Baldwin, author o o f Storycatcher
“When I read a book on writing, it takes about 200 pages before I learn anything I can apply to my writing. I can use these cards instantly.” Carole Dagg, YA author
“These cards are thought-provoking and inspiring. As an author and literary agent, I plan to use them myself and with my students and clients.” Andrea Hurst, Literary Agent
Fingers wriggling to get your hands on the Whole Deck and Guidebook? Fiction Magic: Card Tricks & Tips For Writers, are 50% off on on Deb’s Website this month, and she promised me she’d send off the 54-card set and guidebook to you in record time.
Enter the Giveaway. One lucky winner will receive:
Deb’s pack of Fiction Magic: Card Tricks & Tips For Writers
Signed copy of Janet’s In The Time of Dragon Moon and Moon Mug to sip from while writing.
NOTE: To those of you who are new to rafflecopter, the only thing you have to do is tweet. The tweet is written for you ahead of time. You just need to click. Also you need to click “I Tweeted” to confirm the entry. Bonus points for joining the Fiction Magic Facebook page, but that part is optional. Good Luck All!
The cards are inspiring and beautiful!
I agree Dia. Such great writing tools in the deck.