Janet Lee Carey-Library Lions Roar Library Lions Roar Janet Lee Carey Award-winning author of novels for children and young adults


Welcome to the last Library Lions interview of 2010. Please Roar today’s guest, Darcy Brixey. Known for her strong passion for intellectual freedom, Darcy is a perfect fit for LL last 2010 Roar!

Darcy has been a Teen Librarian for over 9 years. She’s currently Teen Librarian at Bellevue Library, Bellevue WA.

The Skinny
Believe it or not, I took a long path to admitting I was a librarian at heart. I was always that kid reading under the covers with a flashlight long after my parents thought I was asleep. I burned through a lot of flashlight batteries in those days.
When I graduated from high school I started a nursing school, then went to EMT school.

I was still denial, until I got a job working at my local library. It was a true breath of fresh air and I found myself working with the most intelligent and talented people I had ever known.

I learned that my quirks, such as constantly rearranging my book shelves, and the need to look up trivial bits of information, were not quirks at all; they were the marks of a fledgling librarian.

Library Laughs
There are so many funny things that happen in this job. Some can’t be printed, and others are recurring themes.

I love the kinds of questions we get. We’ve been asked to provide maps of uncharted islands, photographs of Columbus, and to calculate what hamster years are in comparison to dog and human years.

My true geekiness shows when I do database demos. I love to show teens how to use the library from home, at 3 am, while wearing their bunny slippers.

More geekiness — When I was still a kid, Tipper Gore and the Washington Wives started the Parents Music Resource Center and forced the record industry to start labeling music with a parental warning against explicit lyrics. Even as a fourth grader I knew I had strong feelings about having the right to free speech. I just didn’t know there was a term for it: intellectual freedom.

A Lion’s Pride of Programs
Teen Writers
Last summer I held a poetry and teen fiction contest. The winners received gift cards and their written works were printed in the Bellevue Reporter. I really enjoy supporting young writers. It was also nice to partner with the local paper to get these kids some recognition for their talent.

The Poster Project
I launched the Poster Project with local celebrities and young readers using ALA graphics software. As part of the Poster Project, I’ve met with city council members, newscasters, rock stars, authors and athletes.

Here’s the poster Darcy did of the readergirlz founding divas

Pictured: Justina Chen, Lorie Ann Grover, Dia Calhoun, Janet Lee Carey
Note from Janet — Thanks for the beautiful poster of us, Darcy!

Author! Author!
I’ve been extremely lucky and have hosted some of the nicest authors around. They have given great workshops and spoken to kids in schools. I think any author that comes prepared to talk to audiences that may or may not know how to respond or ask appropriate questions. Some of my favorite visits have been with authors who are able to joke with the kids but also treat each audience member’s question with respect.

Author Mitali Perkins gave a terrific writing workshop

Mitali’s book Bamboo People was Junior Library Guild Selection Summer 2010 Indie Next Pick ★ Publishers Weekly
★ School Library Journal

I love connecting readers to books, but my favorite thing is connecting readers and authors. I have a very supportive Friends group which has provided the means to author visits in the schools.

Poet Erik Korhel author of My Tooth Fell in my Soup and other poems gave a poetry workshop

Readers Roar
One middle school girl was so excited to meet an author. She told me she didn’t think she would ever meet a “real live author.”

Book Brag What three books are hot this year? Why?
Anything Manga. The kids just can’t get enough. I’m seeing a new crowd of kids in my graphic novels section.

Mockingjay is still flying off the shelves. Adults have picked it up as well. I love it when parents read with their kids. I think most of the joy of reading books is talking about them with others. It is a true testament to the excellence of teen literature that parents also enjoy these books.

Scorch Trials, the sequel to Maze Runner has been popular with my teens.

Library Lion’s Roar: ONE LAST BIG ROAR
Our system recently designed a purchased a van and filled it with Mac computers. This Digital Discovery Zone will be showing up at teen centers and schools in my area. I can’t wait!

Thank you Darcy for your terrific interview!

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Note to Librarians:
If you’re a Youth Librarian working in a school or public library we’d love to hear about you and your library. Email Janet on the Contact page on this website for an interview.


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