Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff Roars for Libraries
Welcome to Library Lions interviews. Best-selling author, Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff is stopping by to share her books and Library Love with us. Take it away Elizabeth. I’m the author of ten books, including my memoir, The Missing Kennedy: Rosemary Kennedy and the Secret Bonds of Four Women, a New York Times Bestseller. (note: Library Lions readers… Read more
Be A Changemaker
Welcome to Library Lions interviews. Author Laurie Ann Thompson is stopping by to share her books and her Library Love with us. Take it away Laurie! A former software engineer, I now write for children and young adults to help my readers and myself make better sense of the world we live in, so we… Read more
Welcome to Library Lions interviews Raising a Roar for libraries and the outstanding librarians serving youth in schools and public libraries across the U.S. Please Roar today’s guest, Arika Dickens! Hi! I’m Arika Dickens – or Ms. Arika, as my students call me. For the last 11 years, I’ve been an elementary teacher-librarian at Medina… Read more
Library Lions Roar for the newest addition to The Poetry Friday Anthology series. Please join us in wishing a happy “book birthday” to The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations with an interview of Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell, creators of this popular series (used in over 1000 school districts as the primary method of poetry… Read more